I’m a baby author. I just published my first book in my Fairy Glen Suspense Series last March. Once I’d put it up for sale, I switched hats from creator to marketer, which has been surprisingly fun!
Marketing is also creative, and strategic, and analytical, all rolled into one.
I have always loved podcasts, and I mostly listen to writing and publishing podcasts. I glean so much information from them. But I discovered a podcast called Equestrian Adventuresses, and behold! they do an equestrian fiction episode about once a month.
Taking a shot in the dark, I sent the women that run that podcast a copy of my book. And, months later–after Ute, the woman that does the fiction episodes, read my book–I got an email asking me to be on the podcast.
I felt like I’d won the lottery at first. It was a huge validation for me, that she actually read and enjoyed October’s Fire.
Quickly, that feeling was followed by anxiety. I am terribly shy, and though I’ve outgrown it, and my natural love of people and conversation overrides that, it’s still there. Some days I want to curl up in a ball and hide. Other days I’m the life of the party.
Would I be able to talk coherently about my book, my love of horses, and the process of writing about them? Adding to that anxiety was my poor internet connection. The interview would take place on Zoom, and I figured Murphy’s Law would be in effect, causing lags, drop-offs, and an all round nerve-wracking experience.
But, as the saying goes, I felt the fear and did it anyway.
Ute was such a warm and insightful interviewer that I immediately felt at ease. We chatted a bit before she started recording. She answered my questions about how it would go, and set my mind at ease. Then she hit record, and we were off to the races! (I love a good cliche, don’t I?)
I think I tended to babble and go on and on. Sometimes she would ask a question and I would start talking and halfway through I’d think to myself Did I answer the question? What was the question? Oh God!
But it all came out fine in the end. I talked in depth about how my love of horses started, about how I got my first horse, and about the experiences that planted the seed for October’s Fire and the series. Plus more at the end about the self-publishing experience.
Have a listen and see for yourself!
My sincerest thanks to Equestrian Adventuresses, especially Ute for her professionalism and kindness.
Listen to the episode here.