This time much thanks to Carly Kade, author of the In The Reins equestrian romance series. She’s got a podcast where she talks to other horse book authors, and this time it was me!
And to add to my nervousness (see my other blog post about my first podcast), she also puts them on YouTube, so I had to try to look good too!

Our first scheduled date didn’t quite work out, as I was all set up and prepared when the entire town’s power went off, including cell towers and internet. I had purposely scheduled it for while I was housesitting, thinking the internet would be better there than at my off-grid place. Au contraire, mon frere. The thing I was afraid of happening the first time I recorded a podcast–technology going on the fritz–actually happened this time.
But Carly was a sweetheart and we re-booked for another time. I recorded it with her (successfully this time!) in January, and it’s out now.
We talk about my early love of horses, my first riding instructor, the strange and divergent jobs I’ve had and how they’ve given me the skills I use now, some of my inspirations for Fairy Glen, and the business of independent publishing.
Thanks Carly, it was truly a pleasure, and the next time I’m in Arizona maybe we can have that margarita together!